

Taiwan Obasang Political Equality Party is a political party composed of 90% of women from a wide range of backgrounds, including homemakers, single mothers, education professionals, laborers, PhD’s,and the handicapped. Most of them are from a parents’ participation education group, the idea is praxisdemocracy education from families and improving children’s rights.

Since mid-2016, we have held “Politics Workshops” every 3 months. We have invited other small politicalparties, including Time Power Party, Green Party and Social Democratic Party, to share their politicalparticipation experiences. In these workshops, we discuss Transitional justice, abolishing the death penalty, opposition to nuclear power, gender equality education, and marrige equality.

Taiwan’s political system was designed with several barriers to participation, the worst of which are money and personal networks. In Taiwan, we have the lowest basic salary but the highest election deposit money compared to other countries. Our stance is that extreme financial and social requirements for political participation are anti-democratic: “Politics should not be a high wall that blocks the people,and the people should have fair participation in politics.” When we began organizing, we felt that thesocial obstacles for women who wanted to participate in politics are much higher than for men. Therefore,a political group elected entirely by women was conceived.

In 2018, 21 local mothers participated in county and city council elections with no party status. Withoutthe support of any consortium or significant marketing resources, they still raised $3.88 million Taiwandollars in security deposits through small-donor fundraising. While none of the candidates was elected,they cumulatively received over 80,000 votes, and more than 70% of the candidates got their electiondeposits back.

Obasang registered as a formal political party in 2019.

歐巴桑的八大理念:Our 8 core values
小民參政-political equality
兒童人權-children’s rights
親子友善-a parent-child friendly society
環境正義-environmental justice
性別平權-gender equality
動物保護-animal protection
守護主權-defending Taiwan’s sovereignty
勞工權益-labor rights

As you can see, managing small parties is not easy. We hope that the government can provide more support to small parties and lower barriers to political participation for regular citizens, particularly women. The real implementation of women’s equal political rights and real space for diverse voices are basic requirements for authentic democracy. We work very hard, and it is indeed challenging to balance our efforts with the realities of daily life. Despite these obstacles, however, we look forward to helping Taiwan’s diverse women participate in politics and find a way toward full equality.