10月6日世界腦麻日 | 新竹毆巴桑 | 小民參政歐巴桑聯盟|Taiwan Obasang Political Equality Party

10月6日世界腦麻日 | 新竹毆巴桑

今年在台北車站大廳聚集了全台腦麻協會的隊伍,芸婷也與新竹腦麻協會參與了台灣的世界腦麻日World Cerebral Palsy Day盛事,看到腦麻孩子長大後的多元樣貌,很感動。


障礙是人生經驗連續的一部分,新竹需要改變,唯有環境更友善,生活才會好,請支持新竹歐巴桑+歐巴縣市合作爭取 #身障平權










Today is World Cerebral Palsy Day! 💚

World Cerebral Palsy Day celebrates the lives and achievements of people with cerebral palsy and their families, but also the focus of a growing global social movement to ensure that everyone with cerebral palsy has the same rights, access and opportunities as others in their communities

Etymology: Cerebral derives from the Latin word “cerebrum,” meaning brain.

Palsy is from the Anglo-Norman word “paralisie,” meaning paralysis.

• It is caused by damage to or abnormal development of the brain.

• There are 17 million people across the world living with cerebral palsy (CP).

• It is the most common physical disability in childhood.

• CP is a permanent neuromuscular disability that affects movement. Its impact can range from a weakness in one hand, to a complete lack of voluntary movement.

• CP is a lifelong disability and there is no known cure.





🙋 高芸婷-歐巴桑來了(新竹縣竹北議員擬參選人)https://goo.gl/forms/kuu8NhWtJbZnPfcX2

🙋 王岢鈺-歐巴桑來了-新竹市北區市議員擬參選人 https://goo.gl/forms/5a1bZgTz1VmUS36x1

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